A post I wrote on the ugly politics played out in Gujarat which destroyed thousands of families belonging to minorities....who still continue to languish and live in ghettos built around the outskirts of Ahmedabad......

The Godhra Riots 2002 - and its after effects

The 2002 Godhra Riots in Gujarat - a period in history which India would certainly like to erase from the annals of history books - thousands of people mostly minorities burnt alive, killed mercilessly for no fault of theirs, their homes plundered, their women raped, displaced and driven out - and the administration looks on the other way.

The CM of the State who is directly responsible for the well being of the people shields himself from all responsibility.

When fingers are pointed at the CM himself and his ministers he cries foul.

No less a person than AB Vajpayee proclaims from a stage in open glare of the cameras that a CM of a State is expected to fulfill his duties towards all subjects regardless of religion caste and creed.

The CM is taken aback smiles sheepishly but only for a second before he regains composure and recoils back by cockily saying ''I'm doing just that......''

All said and done - fact remains that after the riot the people were subjected to so much terror that most of them didn't complain....something similar to what's happened here in Muzaffarnagar in UP.

After the riots took place how many people complained - most of them are living in misery in relief camps provided by Madarsas with no help from the State.

Those who complained were Zakia Jafri wife of a Congressman Ahsan Jafri whose husband was roasted alive along with others when the building they were in was set on fire by mobsters....

The matter was handed over to a SIT which came out with a report which can't be looked as very appreciative of what happened, and the matter is still dragging on....

Meanwhile the people who actually did all these horrific acts on the instigation of a well thought out conspiracy planned right at the top with complicity from the State machinery are merrily roaming around as if nothing has happened.

Is it possible that nobody was responsible for these horrific acts committed in that State?

The people burnt alive did this themselves?

Nobody locked them in and set them on fire?

Moreover the man in charge has slowly and steadily emerged from the shadows of death and havoc which was created in his State and has gained in 'confidence' and 'stature' after a polarized electorate gave him victory after victory....without realizing the pain they are inflicting on their less fortunate brethren in their State whose only fault being that they settled down over there, in what was otherwise a peaceful State where Gandhi had chosen to set his feet down....

Without going too much into the history of these horrific episodes it is useless to presume that justice has been done to anyone in that State.

The people are left to reconcile themselves to their fate as they know that in this land of Buddha and Gandhi when facts are allowed to be twisted they can be assured that no justice would ever be done to them...its a tit for tat situation which prevails in that State.....most of the people who spoke out have been silenced by the majority of the people who have gained favor from the State....in a situation like this no justice is actually possible, unless the affected people come forward in large numbers and claim justice from the courts.....yet it seems so much of a herculean task....

To add insult to the injury the media has been entrusted with the task of ensuring an image makeover of this man - and we can see that everyday - work in progress.....happening day by day....carefully planned and orchestrated.....all for money and filth which comes from money they have been given the ugly task of wiping away the blood of innocents and repainting the entire top brass with a new brush of 'well being' and bonhomie......

If Congress questions these acts of horror they are shown the mirror of the 1984 Sikh riots thereby justifying the horrors committed in the State of Gujarat....yet there is a marked difference - all those leaders of Congress found remotely involved in the Sikh riots their political careers are finished and they stand isolated with cases going on against them...

On the other hand in the State in question, we find most of the leaders roaming around free with no accountability whatsoever, gloating on the fact that they've been acquitted. In fact these same leaders are floating out their hands in the hope of grabbing bigger pastures with of course an image makeover done to them.....which they believe is enough to catapult them in to the corridors of power....

It would be simply ironic if this great Nation was to fall prey to the protagonists of hate politics who believe in the rule of the majority with no voice of the minority but #India is a land of diversity where no one can really claim majority....so dividing people in the name of religion caste and creed and spreading hatred among them is a criminal act likely to be condemned by all....

The scholars, the intellectuals, the business class, the media who have still not sold their souls to this sort of arrangement being made in India to project a particular party should awaken and spread a movement throughout the Country, as per the aspirations of the common man which includes minorities, to work for a prosperous and moderate India, where all castes and religions can proudly and peacefully work and live together....
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Tags: Godhra Riots

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