Those were the days.
Blissful, carefree.
When roads were empty and hearts full.
Of love and sympathy.
When kids played with gay abandon...only outdoors.
With the TV remote still in the electronic womb and video game a thing unknown.
When bell bottoms were in and all males sported the famous amitabh haircut.
Crime meant more of thefts and little more.
When terrorism was unknown.
Women were safer less macho.
Air was cleaner..drains unclogged.
Tempers less strained, facial muscles more relaxed.
Fun was in, stress unknown.
People moved at snail's pace..unbecomingly to rat race.
When communities rallied around one another, unseperated by walls of communal hatred.
With competition so unknown.. Doctors and engineers were naturally born.
When inflation meant expanding a balloon by blowing with your mouth.
When girls wore midis and not micro minis.
Gajras of mogras....
on waist length hair were the rage.
Opportunities for career advancement seemingly less.
But social skills definitely better.
When folk lived in tiny, comfy houses with lots of greenery around..and not in spacious flats devoid of the touch of refreshing green.
Where trees breathed and flowers bloomed.
When rivers of life swept unhindered..
When joy overflowed...
Where laughter reigned..
Oh for those glorious days..
The seventies.

Tags: Memories

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