You know whats the fourth greatest fear of Men? Its "Fear of Death".The first one is of 'Public Speaking',and I just discovered a fear that would kickass of 'Public Speaking',its starting a conversation with the chick sitting next you in a cafe.Sigh!

So there I was waiting for my girl/friend(remember the /,kinda important),when suddenly this (let me put it in a classy way) sex bomb appears.She sat down in the table next to mine,a pink top(sleeveless),tight fitted jeans(understatement),big eyes,small ear rings.I was like no biggie ,so what this very cute girl is sitting next to me,ha!,kidding,I was totally freaking out, temperature rising,heartbeat rising,suddenly everything in the cafe was hurting my eyes.

Time to make a move,I came out with my ultimate rescue strategy,took my cell phone out,started reading random texts.Ha!.After five minutes of this,I gathered the courage to make eye contact,to be precise,it was more of a 'glance'.She was staring at me,that was awkward,but pretty girls do that to me all the time,no biggie.Ha!.We had our little moments, atleast I thought we did.

I finally gathered the courage to say "Hey,Pass me that Menu"
She showed it to me,I nodded,she handed it to me.

My girl/friend showed up at that moment,it was down hill from there.Wired eye-contacts after certain intervals was all that we could manage.She left early,after finishing her cold coffee(Wired huh?),I saw her walking pass me,than that DDLG moment,'Paltegi tohhh ,chance hai?'.......Nahi Palti.:(..

Maybe there was 'no chance',maybe she thought of Simee as my Girl friend,maybe she some urgent work to finish,maybe maybe maybe...I guess,I will never see her again,but its difficult to forget her for a week or so, ha!,waise,as I have told,these things happen to me all the time.

P.S. If Pinky is reading this,(Probability=0.0000001),Same time;same place..!:D

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