All alone on a winter evening sitting near the beach I felt myself like a grain of sand against the vastness of the sea. Life is a path, a journey which has several ups and downs, days and nights. But my life only had downs and nights. Now when I demand answers it never gives me an answer. I do not know why. Simply why me?

Two years back I was a simple girl hailing from a small family. Everything was normal but who knew one answer could change my life so drastically, forever. It was some occasion, and it doesn't matter which. My family as well as my cousins' had chosen my house for a get- together. I was asked what I wanted to do in future. I could have said I wanted to be an engineer or doctor. This would have pleased my parents and everyone present there. But I said a writer. I didn't care about the consequences. All I knew was that it was more important to please myself than others because others may come and go but I had to live with myself forever. And I couldn't regret each moment of my life. I had tried my best to like "conventional" professions but I had to lie to myself a lot and couldn't do it anymore. Life is a constant conflict between heart and brain but I chose heart. My parents reacted strongly against it but when I refused to change my decision my mom gave me the train fare from Kolkata to Mumbai and asked me to come back only after I had achieved fame. She thought it to be a punishment but I thought it as an opportunity. She later apologized for her unfair behavior but it was too late I had already set my mind.

My new life began in Mumbai- the city of dreams. I tried my best but Mumbai has no place for aspiring writers. Now I am here at the beach with almost no money. I can go back to Kolkata but that would mean I have accepted defeat so I will go back only after becoming famous. I don't know why my life is unfair but life is a path if I stop I will not fall again but neither I can get up. To answer why me maybe God thinks I am strong enough to accept it and keep going.

It was my decision, and I cannot regret it. I will accept whatever has happened and keep going. Maybe 10 years from now I will have to stay in Mum as a struggler or maybe I can go back home. But whatever may happen I will remain happy as I love what I am doing and enjoy it. Keeping my fingers crossed.

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