I went to the bank the other day. As I waited, I noticed this thin, young guy sitting next to me. I smiled and noticing the form in his hands, asked him why he was there.
"I'm doing my German diploma."
Wow. My ears perked up.
I had something in common here.
So we chatted. I found out he did his diploma in Engg, then his Engg degree from a well known Mumbai college and now he wished to master this language so he could do his Engg masters in Germany.
Wow again.

I liked the way he talked, he answered each one of my queries without hesitation. We felt like friends sitting there in a bank.
I met him again in the University where i filled up my form.
"This is the number you must put in," he remarked, pointing to my challan.
I thanked him and we smiled again as I walked down the corridor.
He looked simple, not too affluent. But a nice, helpful chap actually.

I suddenly felt glad I lived in Mumbai. Folk here are usually friendly and helpful. But this guy was awesome.
I silently prayed for his well being and success.

I reflected back on other times in my life, when folk I'd met weren't so good.
when friends acted as strangers..
when acquaintances pretended not to have noticed when I was in neck deep trouble..
when folk I knew quite well talked behind my back..

So it was a welcome change..
when one simple, young man ...
well qualified..
but a complete stranger..
actually did nothing very special..
but just behaved like a real gentleman!

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