as i walk along the beach i see the waves of the sea...vendors trying to get attention in their unique voice...couples walking hand in hand ... sand burning with each stroke of the sun's rays and waves trying to cool it down...old people sitting on the side benches some reading newspaper others watching the perpetuity of the sea ,comparing how it used to be when they were young and how less it has changed. children playing and making things with sand....
i see a big rock too .. as i walk towards it,to rest my back on it ... i already see a child sitting on the other side of the rock.without letting him notice my presence i lean on the rock and watch carefully what the child is doing ..but ..i was seen by him :P lol. i asked him what r u doing here?? u r supposed to be in the school right now .he replied ,"i don't go to school...i work" . i see his bag and ask what is in it ??a gift for someone special??"..and he giggled and said "no...but yes"..then he asks me if i would like to see it ..and before he could complete the sentence i said,"yes..indeed".then he takes out a sober dupatta from his bag ,an old worn-off bag...saying "this i will give to my didi{sister} ... so she could were it and go for work and school"...then he takes out some medicines,saying"this is for my maa... she is ill na i bought it by taking advance from my maalik"...then he takes out tongs {chimta} saying " this i would give to my dadi {grand ma}..becoz she has hard time baking chapatis without it" and smiling at me he said " did u like it ??"with gleaming eyes,eyes filled with happiness and satisfaction. i said,"ya these r wonderful ... really nice...but what about ur dad???u didn't bring anything for him...". he said "ohh i forgot to tell u that ....come come"... he held my hand and asked me to get up . i got up immediately to konw what he had for his dad ... i got up and he took me to a place where he removed a plank and a log which hid the house he made with sand .he said " my father wants a house for us all...i have made the miniature ..only the architect is to be contacted ... heyy look my house is sea facing too ." my eyes were about to burst in tears but suddenly he said ... ohh god i m late i have to go now ... i have to give these gifts to my loved ones ... see u tomorrow ..bye" ... he waved with a confident smile and left .
i was eager to know where he lived , who he was ...etc etc. my curiosity made me follow him ... and took me to a quiet place .. he took out the duppata and rested it on his sister's grave..he took out the medicines and kept it on his mother's grave ...took out the tongs and kept on dadi's grave ... tears rolled down my eyes ..but my mind was curious to know what will he keep on his dad's grave .... but he didn't keep anything ..not even the map of his dream house ... he just said,"dad u will come to see the house na ...."

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