"I am keeping this diary", I argued.
"No it is mine, I found it first", replied my little sister.
"Yeah, But it was in an old bag of mine, so it is mine."

Actually, the dairy belonged to none of us. It's used to be the diary of my mum's youngest sister, who is now married and settled with her family. My sister found it in a very old bag of mine and took it. you know like; "finders, keepers"..

When sh showed it to me, I was shocked as I turned over the pages to read the contents. It had several very well written poems and letters. However, I knew that my sister(who is yet to be nine years old) might ruin this 'little piece of jewel'.

So we fought over and fought we did, that mum and dad quit trying to shut us up and left us alone. Finally, I made a little trade. I gave my sister a pencil, a ruler and my very old school bag in return of the diary. Well, she was satisfied with the deal. ;)

I didn't know why. I just wanted that diary to be safe and well preserved. Perhaps because it was older than me.. :)

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