She met him about two years ago. On Facebook. He was known to her,yet not so well. He had studied in another school.They soon became friends on FB.She knew folk out there. They knew her as a child.So was comfortable.She changed her picture.One day,she was on FB,when this guy said 'Hi'. She returned the greeting.'You look nice with the dimpled smile',he remarked.She was flattered. They went on talking.Suddenly he asked her,'What's your number?''I'm sorry,I don't usually share'.'Oh,you're the conservative type',he reasoned.'Ok,I'll give you',she made a U-turn.They started chatting more frequently. Mostly via mobile SMSes. They were friends maybe for over a month. Now he wished to meet her. She invited him over for lunch. They talked till evening.He wanted to go.'Let's have coffee out',he butted in ,when she got up to make tea.'No',she declared vehemently.Some time later he rose to go.'I'm busy,got to meet a client',he replied and hurried off.A few days later, he expressed his desire to meet her again. She was quite comfy with him now, so she said yes. She could relate with him well. Could pour out her heart to him.He was a good listener. She was so glad she found him.The doorbell rang. They sat and talked again.She felt odd. He behaved strangely.She gave him some greeting cards she'd made specially for him.'Wow,they're nice',he exclaimed.Time passed. He glanced through the family album. He seemed disinterested.'Have lunch,then go',she urged, as he made a move to go.She showed him around the house.Then sat on the living room sofa.'I want to see that photo in the bedroom again'. He'd remarked how nice she looked in it.'Ok.' she led him there.He gazed at it for a few minutes,then turned around. He grabbed her and starting making advances towards her.For a moment she was stunned.'Let go',she spoke firmly.'This is not for you',she replied,'You're just my friend.He proceeded to grab her again in the kitchen.She shook him away,trembling.He went away soon.She was so stunned. She always considered him a true friend.But he?He thought she was flirting around with him.A married man,she learned only later, that he had many flings outside marriage.Some days later,seething with anger,she called the rascal.'You really broke my trust in you',she said.'It was your fault. You turned me on,' the shameless fellow replied.She cut off all connection with him.In a way he was right,she admitted. She did give him wrong ideas, when she laughed and joked with him. But it seemed so beautiful to her as she saw him only as a lovely friend. But he took it wrongly.Because he was a man.An absolute pervert.She realized she would learn only through her experiences.If only she could forget this incident.She'd probably never.

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