Talk about having a bad morning! Today was my turn.
Nothing went right. I think I got up from the wrong side of my bed.

My friends were supposed to meet me at 10. I had promised to make crispy dosas n chutney. I knew they loved it. Since both are non southies.
I made some for mom-in-law. So far so good. Then later for sonny. Fine.
Ding Dong. The door bell rang.

I had kept the milk-water mixture for the coffee already on the stove. The tawa was getting hot. Amidst protests of 'why all this trouble?' from my pals, I rushed to the kitchen to make my dosas.
'One should have 'em hot,' I suggested, little knowing I'd regret my words a little while later. I sprinkled some oil on the sides.. The first one was fine.
They were seated at the table.One of them began having it slowly. The coffee was brewing side by side.

Then disaster struck. The next dosa simply refused to come clean.
'Hello?' I said. 'Don't do it TODAY, please?'
The rest of the dosas followed suit. Some of them got crushed, some messy in the middle. The entire dosa gang decided to go on a strike without a moment's notice.
It was getting hotter now in the kitchen. Then as luck would have it, the screw of the lid covering the dosa tawa came loose. So I had the lid coming in pieces and the dosa too!

I was sweating profusely. I kept going up to the table and kept apologizing for the delay. I felt like crying when I gathered remnants of would-be crispy dosas into the plate. They looked a gooey mess!

Finally I put off the gas, called it quits. My dosas were on strike. Maybe they wanted a better cook!

So I joined my pals for a meal of rolls(courtesy one friend), cake(baked by the other)..
only the coffee was mine. The rolls were delicious and numerous too..I didn't have to make dinner tonight..I thought gleefully..
The date cake was awesome too.

They consoled me with, 'it happens sometimes. Don't you worry.'
As if to answer them, a loud roar rose from outside. An earth shattering sound of a machine cutting the roads next doors.
We laughed. They were cool. But I? I made a silent vow to myself. Never make dosas for anyone again!
I sadly watched them leave.

'Oh, go away' I told the noncompliant batter irritatedly as I kept it back in the fridge.

I quickly left the kitchen, sipped my cuppa coffee, cooled down a wee bit and sat down to write to vent my feelings.
I wrote, 'An awful start to my day', then did a rethink. 'Na, 'tis too negative.' So saved it as draft.

I wrote another post in the afternoon, then returned back to draft it again. The post was real silly. By this time I'd saved a number of posts as drafts. Nothing seemed to go right.
I wasn't in my elements today.

So now I sat down in the evening, wrote and tried to publish this post.
Now the post was on strike! It just wouldn't publish.
I went back to draft, pressed down hard on 'publish'...
finally after the heavy thrashing..
this fella got published.
"The end to my awful day..'

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