A biting chill woke me up at 3:00 AM. And I had no blankets over me. I have a habit of keeping at least two. I might've thrown them away. Another habit that sucks :/
Anyway, not that I'm going to be able to sleep now. Maybe I should go for a walk in the lawn outside. Something about the night is extremely spooky although. I mean, yes, nights generally are spooky. But tonight is extraordinarily so. And yes, me being me, am going to stroll in the lawn because how can something make me not do a certain something that I liked the first thought of!
But yes, with all that shit going on in my head I still can't ignore the negative vibes. Something makes me feel uncomfortable. Silent like a graveyard. And there is this intense fog. Like seriously, the rose 5 ft away is also very faintly visible. The grass in the lawn is slippery because of the frozen dew. I moved towards the garden. I've loved this garden ever since I was an eight year old. Especially the grand gazebo(grand because it's old and huge and adorned with immaculate carvings) that sits in the mid of it. It has always been special. My evening storytime with Amma(my grandma), the morning newspaper with dadaji, the afternoon playtime with my cousins, munching guavas and plums... The gazebo happens to be the center of all the favorite memories I have of my childhood. The association gradually receded as I entered adulthood.

The gazebo is hexagonal and there is a bench on each edge of it. Those benches are not visible. right now, because of the fog. I move closer. I can see somebody sitting there, a lady. Holy shit! Who is that? Nobody is supposed to be awake at this hour! And it doesn't even resemble anyone from my family. But there certainly seems to be a strange familiarity! Could it be a criminal? Should I be worried? But the person doesn't seem to be harmful. Should I go and wake everyone up? Yes, I should. I was about to turn around when she looked back and smiled at me. Crap! This is like looking into a mirror! She looks exactly like me! I'm sure this is a dream. This could not be otherwise possible. I'd better go and sleep. Suddenly I can feel my head spinning, I can barely walk. I reached my room with great difficulty. And when I looked onto my bed, I could see myself sleeping over there....

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