Closed eyes,
I am wondering about the evening,
The dusk,
In front of me...m wondering about the end of
another day in existentialism !!!
Far away from the city's light,
The evening has its own charm,

The sun has been set,
leaving behind a red pure sky,
A red sky near the far away mountains in front of me.
I am being lost in this bful dusk,
The magnificent ora of of dusk is engulfing my existence,

Slowly the night is coming,
The artificial light of this metro city,
covering the dark night.

Slowly the mountain is hiding ,
the dusk will turn into dark,
The artificial light of metro city
will replace the natural light...

The dusk gonna bring a bful dawn,
A fresh beginning !!!
A new start !!!
A new day
and a new life !!!
LIVE !!!

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