this is a dream that i often... bt i dnt knw what it means..

writerbabus pls help me to interprete it..

i'll tell u abt yestrday's dream..
(though same)

in my dream, i constantly had a feeling that i am alone in this world. i don’t know why… and the strangest part is that.. i was feeling happy about it. my dream had no color in it. i had a good-enough-to-live house where i lived alone. did chores alone, worked alone. my neighbors had colorful houses but i did not. and i did not envy them. how strange. i didn’t want to wake up. don’t know why. this is the only one dream that i remember from starting to end. maybe bcz i see it everyday..i just cannot shake it off my mind. maybe because it felt so real. as if i was living it..
deep dwn.. i want to live it.
how shallow.

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