Oh dear, where have you gone???
Oh my… are you there??
Can you hear me??
Please, give me some response….
I am in desperate need of you….
Please let me have the privilege of listening to your sweet voice once again,
For heaven’s sake, answer me….

Has any body seen the girl I am in search of??
Please tell me…
Oh lord, help me!!!
Bring me back the girl!
The girl with the truth in her eyes,
The girl with the glowing smile,
The girl with the charismatic dark eyelashes,
The girl with the active tread,
The girl with the attractive looks,
The girl with the captivaitng face,
The girl with the reflection of love,
The girl with the image of innocence,
The girl with the simplicity in her ways,
The girl with the aroma of decency,
The girl with the humble talk,
The girl so heart winning!
And, most importantly…
The girl with a working conscience,
The girl with a right vision,
The girl with the soul of optimism,
The girl with the spirit of passion,
I want the girl ,
The girl so versatile,
The girl so extrovert,

I want you dear,
I want you to be back in my life,
Say something….
You were the only true companion of mine,
The most reliable,
The most trust worthy…
Why you are so unconscious my love???

Can anybody find the girl for me?
The girl so trust worthy,
The girl so brave and strong,
The girl so lovely,
The girl with the best understanding!
The girl the hopes so determined,
The girl with the faith so real,
The girl, so vivacious,
The girl, so charming,
The girl with the thoughts so wise,
The girl with the perceptions so commendable,
The girl so friendly,
The girl with a great patience,
The girl with the innovations, so creative,
The girl with the courage to risk,
The girl so adorable,
And thus the girl so unbelievable!

She was the one who guided me and guided me cordially,
She was the one who loved me truly,
She was the one who laughed with me, wept with me and stood by me when everybody left,
She was the one who appraised me for my successes,
She was the one who kept the flames of hope glowing in the times of failures,
She was the one who encouraged,
She was the one who treated me in her own distinguished caring way!
She was the only one who knew me and loved me strongly!
thus she was the book of my secrets and my life!

Oh my lord, please, let her hear me,
nothing is so precious for me than herself,
let her come back to me,
for I don’t want to remain in the abeyance of confusion,
In the valley of darkness,
With the mind so vacant,
Heart so perplexed, and
Life so meaningless.

My dear, please forgive me,
Forgive me, for I hurt you, and
Hurt you in the way you could not have ever expected of me….
I am so sorry,
You demanded me of nothing except to follow the trail you blazed, the trail of righteousness.
I am sorry my love,
But you forgot to teach me and warn me that “Pessimism” also exists in the same dictionary.
You forgot to tell me to be “vigil”
I love you the way you loved me,
I was what you were making me, but
The feeling of positivity did not let me realize the fact that
The earth is balanced because the opposing and the cancelling forces act on the same earth and that it is neutral outcome of the good and the bad…
Please, forgive me and come back to me,
For, I am a living dead without you.

Oh my lord,,, I know, you wont listen now, but please….just once…
Please return my girl to me,
Return my original to me,
Please return me the distinguished!
For, I want to live again,
For she is the soul of mine!
For she is the only connection between you and me!!!

Tags: Tragedy

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