4th November, 2014

They experience pain, and they claim of feeling the deepest one! They are actually unaware of the fact that the deepest pain has never been felt! I may be unable to explain what is it, but it’s like something that kills all other feelings, kills all other pains, and it kills all other senses of feeling anything, thus there remains no difference between the happiness and the pain! Silence loses its meanings. All expectations die with it. Mind stops working in control, and heart loses its connection with the heartbeats. Eyes forget anything like tears, for tears drip only when pain is felt! But the thing that hurts the most and is yet not felt is the deepest pain! Everything seems mere a task, job or an object; it loses its value which is ascribed by people. Time loses its importance, colors lose their attraction, laughter becomes mere a noise, and smile loses its charm! Space is seen everywhere because no one is real to be shared pain with. One stats running away from the self and yet in the search of the real! World seems to be a place mere to perform the routine tasks till state of slumber is changed! And it is hard to wake up from that sleep, for everything has been broken cruelly, and not only once, but many times! There comes a time when all the energy seems to be absorbed by the external forces against which we have been fighting for so long! And those forces which we trusted to safeguard us seem to fight against us! They seem to betray us at the time when we needed them the most! This when the phenomena as “the deepest pain” takes place for there are left no senses, no hopes, no soul (for a soul is the prosperous connection of heart and mind), no relations, no stamina and no one else who could remind you of yourself and who could bring you back to the real you!!! The deepest then takes over when the person gets void of any kind of expectation and finds no reason of maintaining any relation with the world! The deepest pain stays there for longer, but in clandestine! It keeps on absorbing the strength of even the strongest ones! It might not be impossible to escape from it, but it’s harder to remove its roots from the flowing blood! We cannot blame anyone else for this curse because that will only add to level of your insanity, better is to seek the guidance of the one who created you and who has the solution of your every problem, for He is always there to help because He is the only one who can be trusted with blind eyes!! Yes, He is no other than Allah!

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