We went car shopping yesterday. Not shopping in a car, but shopping for a car.
The car taxi we had been assigned for years, was withdrawn. Now we were forced to look out for a car of our own.

So armed with some details about the one we were looking out for, we entered the car showroom. A Maruti one.
The tall,lanky Bengali executive welcomed us.
'Tea,coffee or soft drinks?' he queried. None, we answered. We got down to business quickly. He explained the features of the car in mind.
'Have a look', he urged.

It was compact on the outside, real roomy inside. Back seats could be folded to make room for luggage.
Sonny shook his head.
'Won't do. The guitar and amp would struggle for space', he complained.

We felt the seats. Comfy. Seven people could be accommodated. Wow.
Looked good,since we do have extra folk coming with us at times.
But then, with all seven in, leg space became a problem.

'Value for money', the executive declared. He could smell a juicy deal.
'I love Vertiga', I whispered to sonny.
'Ertiga, Ma, not Vertiga', he replied.

Moved over to Wagon R.
'Perfect for me, small and easy for my daily office commute', quipped hubby.
'Na,too tiny. What if more people need seating?' I pondered.

'Decision final?' the sales guy asked, as he jotted down our particulars.
Promising we'd get back to him soon, we left.

For the Mahindra showroom. Quanto fascinated us. Fair priced. But looked bulky from the outside.
This time we had coffee. Already 4 pm. I was famished.

We went out to have a look at the car. The interiors were fine.
'More boot space,' remarked the son.
Hubby slid into the driver's seat and started the car.
'Years since I drove', he exclaimed.
Sonny and me rushed out of the back seat immediately.

Finally, after an hour of car talk, we wanted to call it a day.
A quick bite at a nearby joint and we were soon back home.

Hubby sat at his P.C all evening examining the pros and cons.
What have we finally decided? ' Vertiga..I mean Ertiga?' I asked.

'Nah, waiting time for that is too long. We need one immediately.'
'So?', I waited with bated breath.

'Nano,second hand is the best. Only 1.5 lakhs,' hubby declared.

No more car shopping for me.

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