"Today, I will complete all my work"

That was what was first thing on my mind that morning. After brushing my teeth and having breakfast, I went directly to my computer room where my homework desk was found. I looked at my PC. Fifteen minutes of facebook wouldn't harm after all..

I logged on facebook and soon couldn't resist to play some games. I entered on '8 ball pool' and started to play. Then my friend Stessen came online and he challenged me to a series of pool matches online. I readily accepted. We played, it was so much fun that I didn't realize how fast was time running.

Looking at the clock, I was surprised to learn that 2 hours had passed by! I quickly logged out and switched off the PC. But then, mom called me to help her complete some chores. By the time I finished, I was sweating and stinking.

"Can't go in the PC room like this. Let's go to gym and complete my homework in the afternoon.."

Afternoon came. I was a bit tired as I worked hard in the gym. I went in my PC room again to do my homework. However, my friend Jameel came and said he was bored and invited me to play carom with him. It would have been rude to reject his invitation...

"4 O'clock! I must really do my work now"

I looked outside the window and saw my mates going to play football. Damn it, I went to play football. Another 2 hours down. Finally at night I succeeded in opening the literature book after dinner and I started reading the small text..

In less than 10 minutes, I was dozing on the desk, my head on my book and 'mission' to complete my homework unaccomplished.. :/

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