The day I told you "I Love you",I meant it forever,
That day my heart silently promised of walking together.
Till the day I couldn't find the words to make you feel,
You are too cute for my words but one day I surely will..
The day I started loving you I came to know what it meant
The day I started living for you,I felt the worth of my life.
Sometimes you ask me-"Why do I Love You so so much?"
Don't ask me that ever again,when you are left with the
Why should not I Love You this much,Why shouldn't I live
for you?..
NO, I will never regret if I don't get the answer ever
I will not cry for it too if our silent lips can read it all.
No I will not die anymore if we have to go far someday
I know at the end we are destined to meet again and
Where every silent meetings of us write a new story with
our tears,
Though the pains will scatter through our eyes but who
I will hold you tight in my arms,will make a new promise
Lets make a new way to walk along with me, only me
forever.. !
PS :- She Grabbed My Hand...Put it on Her
Heart and Asked If I Felt it,
OfCourse, "I said..!!"
and She Looked in My Eyes n Softly replied, "This is now
Yours, It Beats For You, and that will Never
Change !!

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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