Hatred. Pure, potent, all-consuming; Unforgiving hatred. It is more truthful than love, sweeter than joy, and cuts deeper than the sharpest grief. It is the single most intense thing we ever feel. It is the greatest and most terrible of human motivations, for it brings out the best in our minds and the worst in our hearts.

Hatred, is the burning fury of righteous vengeance. It is the ice-cold deliberation of sinister revenge. For some, it is the means to survive another day. For others, it’s just another way to die. It resides in the dull gleam of a knife, worshiped more devoutly than gods. It dwells in the depths of every tortured soul, the depravity of which is eclipsed only by its singular purpose of retribution.

Hate is the shadow cast by every light of love. It is eternal, sinful, unconditional. It binds us in chains, and sets us free of fate and all its accomplices. It defines our remorse, dictates our fear, demeans our pleasures, and denies our hopes. It is the red haze in a fanatic’s unreasoning sight. The dark of a schemer’s blackest eyes. Hate is the rattle of a man’s last breath. Hate is, the color of death.....

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