He arrived leaning on the woman's shoulder.
She came in and sat right next to me.

She looked plump but beautiful.
He was cute.
Though slightly on the chubbier side.
I turned to my right to look at him.
He gazed at me.

His eyes.
They were dark and shiny.
Mesmerizing me.
They held secrets.
Perplexing me.
They stared at me.
Unblinkingly piercing through me.
Overpowering me!

His cheeks were pink..as though blushing.
He was well dressed.

I smiled.
I fell in love with him.

He turned away distractedly.
Other women turned to look at him.
I kept looking at him every now and then.
He would stare at me but never smiled.
He muttered something to himself, as he fiddled with something in his hands.
Was he bored?
Oh how I wished I had him in my arms!

Suddenly he felt arms behind him tugging at him.
I turned to look.
They belonged to a woman dressed in a smart western outfit.
He succumbed to her seductions.
Later I heard him chuckling away happily in the lady's lap!

How flirtatious!
How mean of him!
He wouldn't even smile at me..!
She seemed to have hypnotized him.

The programme ended.
The cute fellow's cousin appeared on the scene.
He burst into tears.
'She's taking him away.
I want him!' he wept turning to his mother.

People rose up to go.
The cute seven month old was returned back to his adoring, plumpish mom..
only to leave a short time later...
leaving us drooling women shattered!

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