It was our inter college festival. We were the hosts and almost 8 college's were taking part in the festival. Ours was the biggest college festival in mumbai.
It was my first year of senior college where i had just made few friends but none of them were girls.
Anyways coming to the point me and some of my friends were volunteering for the festival happening.
it was not what we had thought. we being juniors had to put up banners had to sit at the security counters and do registration of students coming to the FEST.
Well but still we were doing it because we were getting 5 marks in our internals. As if you could do anything to get a life diamond when you are playing temple run..
So some of our seniors told us that you boys would get to see all the glam on the carnival day. where most pretty girls come to attend it from across all college's.
So we all boys were well dressed well combed. as if we were going on a date with Kate winslate. As we were volunteers. It was like preparing for a date even when you know you are gonna be playing the waiters role. :D
But you never know what tip a waiter get.
So there were we all ready for the students to arrive at the carnival event.
Well, a carnival day in a college festival is supposed to be a day where there are fun events where you can win points for your college..
So i was roaming around all the games as a volunteer coz i had no specific place given. There was Dart, poker, Bowling and many such stupid games.
So i was standing near the dart expecting many girls. but probably they dint like hitting targets.
Suddenly i saw a girl standing in a queue waiting for her turn to hit the dart board. i couldn't see her properly coz she was far behind all the guys in line. Well she came close as the line kept ending. Everyone aiming at the dart board were hiting quite well. Most of them thought that i was the luckiest volunteer in this event so there was a kind of buzz that you play the game this guy is volunteering and you would never lose. Yes they were talking about me.

But then she came. My eyes were wide open when she came. beautiful black eyes, Curly brownish hair some coming on her cheeks, Chubbu cheeks, She was smilingg she had a dimple on her right cheek which was like cherry on the cake.. very fair. She was wearing an Orange Top. As she bliked her eyes it was like heaven the world could fall into her love. I was stunned by her cuteness. Meanwhile i forgit to give her the Darts which she had to hit on the dart board so she shouted.
"you mister lucky..Will you pass those to me."
and there i was handing it over to her like a dumb with my eyes wide and big smile.
People around said she has not lost any game yet. I dint care i was just looking at her.
so she hit her first Aim..and..A miss..
A complete miss..
I was like.. " Dont worry try the next one youl get it.. u wont lose when m the volunteer.. " i winked like shahrukh khan though i dont look like him i tried to have my luck..
So there came another shot.. one more miss.. everyone around laughed..
She too laughed..I was more than happy seeing her smile..
She said" I dont think you are that lucky..i am good at this game..whats wrong with me."
i pretending to be smart said " Dont worry this one will be bulls eye..Trust in my luck and hit it"
The worst line i couldve ever said..she had to hit it now it was on my reputation..She looked into my eyes and smiled and laughed.. she took an aim.. she again laughed and smiled.. i was looking dumb as usual..the way i looked at her smile made me look more stupid..
Finaly she threw the dart aiming at the borad.. everyone was eager where it gets hit..eager than the american president results..
It hit but not on the Dart board on my face.. Evryone laughed so did she..
While going she said " Your luck dint work for me thats not fair go and renew it.. go do a recharge of ur luck" Acting like an upset stubborn girl but still being cute in it.. like every girl does.. and there i was fallen for all that.. background music in my i was in loveee..

I changed my place and found another game.. again she came there..
Seeing me she smiled and said to her friends.. " Oh this guy is a bad luck for me.." And she couldnt win there too.. Her friends enjoyed that.. i could do nothing but laugh..

Things went to the level where even if she saw me somewhere while playing a game or i was around her she used to this time half the hall had come to know about our both bad luck connection.
i was enjoying this special thing.

i was walking across the hall looking for her. when we both glanced at each other from far we exchanged smiles and laughs.. where she indicated stay away or il lose.. and i giving her best wishes.. she again losing it.. all of this for me was happening in ultra slow motion..

because i had never seen such a beautiful girl.. i just wanted to kiss her on her cheeks ..
Finally it was ending i was looking for her everywhere.. she was behind me noticing that i was searching her.. she tapped my back...
i turned around and was surprised to see her.. smiled like an idiot..

she said " So you looking for your badluck victim" :D ;)
i laughed at it and said "no no.. i was just seeing if all is going ok"
" stop lying.. i know you are looking for me" she winked and smiled..
Goddd it killed me there and then..
"Yeah..I was.. hehe.. I heard you won alot? "
i giggled..
she said " Yeah lot until i saw you" and she hit me on my hand..
I was gone i knew this hitting of girls is from affection.. she made me fall in love..
We spoke.. she spoke i was just looking at her..
It was time for her to go.. I din't knew when i could see her again.. It was the last day of our festival..She was not from our college.. i felt like i am losing a world cup final.. worse than India Losing to Pakistan in cricket..
We shook hands..
She turned around to leave..
and walked..
i was all upset until she came back running like a doll.. saying
"shit.. i forgot to ask you name.. whats your name???"

i gave a big smile.. and there it all started..

The beginning.

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