It was a pretty normal day for her, no, not normal, as a matter of fact, it was one of her good days; she was going to meet the person she always wanted to be with. The warm, glorious sun smiled at her as she skipped happily from her room to her mother. A smile playing on her face when ever her lips got tired of a beautiful serenade. She dressed to the perfection, trying on different dresses, different combinations. She wanted to look her best for him. She remembered how they had met and chuckled lovingly. It was one of those special Fridays. With weekend on it’s way, she wondered what new plans would be mad, how new ideas would hatch giving her life a lovely way. Lost in her thoughts, she flowed with the music; It’s sweet melody filling her heart to the brim. She glanced at the clock it was already 3:30. Lost in her dreams, she hadn’t realized she was late. She quickly changed; faked a tuition class and made her way to a bustling street full of daze.
She zoomed between the vehicles, all the while thinking of the time ahead. Her dreams were pierced by a sudden screeching, she looked for the source of such unearthly sound and with terror in her eyes, she saw a massive truck coming right to her and the very next second, she was a bird, flying in the air and then she turned to a feather in free fall. A loud “Thud” and she hit the concrete road. A deep black ocean engulfed her, she tried to tread her way back to the surface but in vain. She was sinking deep into the blackness and hollowness. She heard the confusion, “But I want to meet him” she wanted to say but could not find her way to the surface… She sank deeper and deeper and yet deeper, with nothing to hold on to, into the black ocean of pain.
She felt something soft beneath her. It felt good as compared to the concrete floor. She tried to flutter her eyes, why everything was so white? She looked around for some kind of ‘beep-beep’ irritated her. She groaned as she saw herself on a hospital bed with all the needles. She groaned again but this time it changed to a sound of deep pain. Yes! She was in pain. A soft hand on her head, she looked for the source “Ma I want to get away” she said looking into her mother’s swollen red eyes. “Very soon, baby, very soon” her mother whispered. She wanted to know where he was. Many questions asked, yet she got no satisfactory answer. Day after day, night after night…she cried and tried to set herself free. The doctor came in with a disapproving frown and put her back to sleep. All the while asked “where was he?” Things discussed, the jury gave it’s judgment; Call the GUY only then WOULD she rest. The guy was summoned; he came in with as much courage as he could muster. She smiled; “He was here.” She thought with a sigh, unaware of the fact that he was here to break the already broken angel. She was a gentle soul and thus needed protection. The God, himself, descended from the heaven for he could not bear to see such pitiable condition of his angel. He brushed her hair, stroked her lids…They fluttered and she drifted into a peaceful slumber for forever. Dressed in white, smile on her lips…She was an angel from outside and within.

P.S - It's a Real Story...The Story of my Friend- Jhalak.

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