Candles, burning of the holy midnight oil
Waiting for it to come
Erotic night of nights in the garden of dread and pain and pleasure
Darkness creeps in smoothly, delightful
Like a black cat in elegant perfection
She keeps her instruments hidden, her was and pleasures secret
In allegiance with the sisters of lofty, high airs
Airs to move her lover, soul burning in the midnight and higher
She hears his song, she is in fear caused by Eros's arrows
Too deep to fully feel
Too fast to recall or understand
Such is spiritual love making
Such is the agony of ecstasy
Yet she held on to the breath in her flowery lips and fruitlike breath
Into the ceremonial watch
The journey, the path
To the bridal chamber with the sisters
Lightning and vertigo
On to mysteries beyond the known...

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