This just doesn't make any sense any more... you are too close but too far at the same time. you, the thing which i'll probably always keep feeling inside and hide from all the rest.

All the rest - empty ways of spending time, which goes so slow and takes me away with every second. Takes me to the dark lonely place where everything is dead without you... where everything is impossible without silence and black long roads. Those roads lead me to the end of all.I can see you but have no power of touching your skin and feeling your warmth.Everything what is left for me is just darkness and time. Time which is still not ours, which is nobody's picture of measurable tears. Though i have life and images of what could have been done, made... said. You have everything but me. let's leave it at that. Cause that what used to be love is probably killed and lost in the blind sheets of bed, where you and me have never spent the moments together... and never will.

Love?... funny and sick word, which was said to show something which used to be inside... crying for the answer and turning tears into blood. it's gone?... i guess. let's forget it. anyways you have nothing to forget about. This is you whom i have to delete from my life, thoughts, dreams, heart, blood, soul and future... from sleepless nights and lonely mornings, from tears and smiles on my face, throw you out of my violet poems. but don't worry, still looking into the endless sky i will feel happy and free.

Did you die inside of me?... no. not yet. but you are going to some day..maybe, i hope your green eyes will turn into the grass i will walk on, your hands will turn into the wind, which i'll feel on my eyelashes... your lips into the soft rain and voice into the grey fog. That is how you'll die inside... but will be born outside of me.

Anyways, thank you for making my life so complicated, which did wake me up and gave me something to think and worry about. i was alive just because of you.
and this "?" - is already burnt.

Still i know that any move you'll make towards me will take me back to the start and love would become a serious and unspoken word again.

Its just fiction~ My writing try up on the feeling of heartbreaking

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