Girls, you're young and beautiful, you have the right to choose. And you need to choose only the best. Especially when it comes to men. Since you must be the best! And the word "Best" is not meant for his car, money or status in the society, it should be best for you. The most precious thing a man can give is attention and loyalty. If he can not give this to you, go without hesitation, as the relationship with the man will be doomed to screams, tears and a broken heart. Remember, first of all you have to appreciate yourself, do not let men treat you the way you don't deserve. Remember, life is one, and there are a lot of men and only one best for you. So long as you choose the best one, because life is too short and stupid to spend it on the people who are not worthy, because you can enjoy a loving, sincere and reliable man, who shouldn't be given to everyone ...

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