I was taking a bath . A cold water bath. A bath on a sultry day . A bath on a hot and a not so humid day. Don't you love it? the water running off your skin in torrents . The back of your neck till the end of your spine in a single line. The flawless cooling and soothing effect that it leaves. The application of soap with subtle moves and end. The soap ready to slip from the between the fingers.
After application your fingers tracing the soap along the cotours of your body. You wash off and step in to your room with a towel rapped around your body. The body gets exposed to all the particles of the room along with the cool air of fan and air conditioner. The conditioner. Don't you just love it when the splash and a whip of air smashes on your body. The air flowing and taking away all the extra warmth and leaving you refreshed. How wonderful the act is.

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