Nothing annoys me more than frequent phone calls. And today it’s been almost a freaking thousand! And I don’t know what Kumar is doing... I don’t even have the bloody appointment schedule yet. And look at my table! Such a huge pile of hard-bound files, pens, empty glasses, an empty jug and somewhere buried must be my laptop. Kumar is actually being paid for nothing.

“Good afternoon, Sir”, I said as I spotted him almost rushing into my cabin.
“I’m sorry ma’am”, he stumbles, “I had to go, my daughter was alone at home, her mother got stuck in the traffic… you know how Mumbai traffic is…”
“Forget it, Kumar. This is the second time in this week.”
“I’m extremely sorry, ma’am.”
“Leave it. Where’s the appointment schedule? And will you please clean up this mess?”
“Sure ma’am. Just a minute…”
“A minute? You’ll take a minute to get the schedule?”
“It’s right here, ma’am. I’m sorry.” He’s totally flustered. I like to have such a moment of revenge!
“Who’s the first on the list?”
“There’s this somebody Mr. Zeeshan who’s been trying since a month almost.”
“A month? Really? Any specified objectives?”
“No ma’am… nothing recorded…”
“And why am I being informed after a month?”
“Ma’am you told me to keep aside all the non-corporate appointments till the South East issue was resolved…”
“Yeah… well… Any contact number or something of this guy? Or is he available?”
“He’s sitting outside, ma’am”
“Fine, send him in. But first, I want this table done very quickly”

Zeeshan… I’m not able to figure out who this could be… a few vague memories which don’t even count… I don’t think there is anybody in particular of the name among my acquaintances…might be a stranger... A knock at the door brought me back from the thoughts. Let’s find out who it is… I can see a young boy standing at the door. Although dressed like a professional.
“May I come in?” he said. He looks eager, and at the same time there's that unusual confidence in his demeanour that I don't like to discover(I already dislike him for that!).
“Yes, please.” I said. He walked in with the ease of an experienced professional and stood at the edge of the table, looking at me expectantly, as if waiting for me to ask him to sit.
“Please sit down.” I said.
“Thank you”
“So, may I know what this is about? And even before that, are we acquainted?”
“Not exactly. You can say it has been a one-sided affair.” He winked at me with that humour in his eyes people around me seldom seem to possess.
I lifted a brow at him and said, “I'm not exactly trying to entertain you nor trying to be entertained. We can come straight to the point, if you please.”
“That'd be too fast, believe me.” And he flashed that devilish grin.
“Oh come on. Are you trying to make a fool out of me? I'm not taking this in good humour, mister...”
“Easy, easy. This is just the first time we're talking...”
“Listen, this is just enough. We will either talk business or you can LEAVE!”
“Okay. I want to marry you.”
“You. I want to marry you.” That had me laughing in a moment!
“Are you in your right minds?”
“Absolutely.” Aaah! I hate such nonchalant replies!
“In that case, What is your age? Just curious, you know. Don't have any hopes.”
“About to be nineteen in a month, that is, february 28th.”
“And what graduation are you pursuing then?”
“Business administration.”
“Great. Carry on.” Enough of the bullshit. I should take a break. I'll go to the cafetaria. I stood up and headed towards the cafetaria.
“You aren't taking me seriously. Are you? Please ma'am.” He started following me.
“Listen, mister. Enough. I don't have time for all this bullshit you're talking. If you can please excuse me, I'll leave now.”
“I have a few things to talk. A few things to tell. And a lot to remind you and make you realize a few things. All about the past. At least listen to me. Then I'll accept whatever decision you take. If you ask me to stay away forever, I won't come back, ever. I have a feeling you won't.”
“Actually, I hope you know that nothing in this world is going to convince me that getting married to you will be a wise decision. I don't know what I'm talking! It's not possible! I don't even want to think about it! This is just ridiculous!”
“I don't know about wise. It'll be a good decision, for sure.”
“And why do you think I'm going to be interested in listening to you?”
“I know that. Because you know I'm speaking the truth. And because I'm harmless.” That disarming smile! (I'm already looking at him!)
“You are impossible. Aren't you?” I had to smile.
“I guess so.”
“I'm not free today. No time for any kind of story telling.” Whatever, I'm still not interested.
“What about tomorrow? Saturdays are off, right? I'll come around wherever you want, and whenever.”
“Listen. You are not even settled and you want to marry? For God's sake, you are not even eligible for marriage! Two years and a month still more to go.”
“Aah! That's not a problem. My plan is like getting engaged to you this year. We can marry when I'm twenty-one.” (This guy is insane!)
“You already have a plan! This is simply ridiculous! We're not getting married, boy. Neither engaged. Not in this life. Better luck next birth!”
“We'll talk about this when we've had THE talk. Okay?”
“And about being settled. I'm the Managing Director of S&S Beverages.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“No. Absolutely not.”
“What in the world are you talking about? Who will appoint a “not-even-nineteen” year old guy as a managing director?”
“Did you read today's newspaper? It had something about the same.”
“And that's you? Actually yeah, I haven't read the newspaper.”
“It is the hot news! For the same reason you think I'm kidding you.”
“Mr. Siddiqui has gone mad.”
He smiled, “No. He believes in his son. My name is Zeeshan Siddiqui.” My jaw dropped at that! Mr. Siddiqui's son, Zeeshan Siddiqui!
“O M G! This makes it interesting!”
“See. I told you! So, when are we meeting?”
“Listen, although this is interesting and stuff.. But I wouldn't like to hurt your feelings. Now that I know who you are, I'm certain you were serious. But just think about it. We're not in love, and you're talking about marriage! And besides, we are not a match; In any aspect.”
“We'll decide all that later. I just want to discuss things with you first.”
“All about the past?”
“Yeah. All about the past.” And he smiled. And this time, maybe because now I know who he is, he looks humble and sweet!
“Okay, I surrender. Tomorrow. CCD at 12 noon?”
“I suggest our meeting place be a little more comfortable. Like your place or my place? It's going to be a long discussion!”
“Okay. In that case, my place at 12.”
“Sure...”he stood up”...thank you. I'll see you tomorrow”
“Yeah. Have a nice day.” He smiled again and left.
What am I going to do tomorrow! Was this stupid? Calling somebody random to your place on a saturday afternoon? Come on, he's not somebody random! He's Zeeshan Siddiqui! I think it'll be okay. Plus he's so much younger to me. I think this is going to be fine.

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