She so lovely and trim, lived in a mansion, huge and prim
With a hubby sweet and kids neat, she was the envy of many an elite
But she had a weakness found in not many kindred
She was incredibly absent minded.

One day she went for a walk to the nearby store
She went up to the grocer and asked him for some clothes
He laughed and said he didn't have any..just plain lentils and wheat and stuff like that
She stared at him
and then flared at him....
saying,'you lazy man! and fat at that!'

Then she ran into a friend, who smiled and said 'hi'
But she didn't notice
She was busy looking at her handsome guy.

She walked into a store wearing her shades so dark
she reprimanded the fellow for not putting on the lights!

Finally she saw a shop with clothes hanging..
She tried on many, liked one red frilly one..
forgetting to remove it, she walked away without paying.

Outside her eyes fell on a book
saying 'how you can cook'
she read it cover to cover
wondering at the words' strange behavior..
she had held the book upside down!
Exasperated she threw the book in the dish
and bought a packet of worms for her fish.

Hungry, she walked up to the food mall
bought a wrapped up burger small
she ate on her way, iPod heard
but the burger tasted very weird
she wondered why..
at home she let out loud cry
laying it whole on the table
she shook like a cable
she had eaten the worms instead!

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