Tears started rolling, fingers started trembling, I din't have any strength to type, my mind went almost numb, I din't know what to do.My mind, lingering with many unknown thoughts,
& me drowned in the ocean of fears!
All I wanted to do is forget everything, I wanted to sleep. I slept with a heavy heart. But not even a wink of sleep till 4a.m. Thank god tears are colourless, else my pillow would have turned colourful today! In fact, it was the second worst day of my life.
With whom should I share my pain? None other than my pen. Now let me write. This is the only thing that heals my soul.
It feels like I ve lost something, something more than anything. Yeah! It was almost the end. Its all over. Finally I lost a gem. Someone close to me.

I knew it. The day he comes to know what I was hiding from him, would be the day for the end of our friendship. But I never knew fate would bring this day! I had never imagined.
All my dreams shattered within few seconds. The dream of me seeing him as a successful man, moreover the dream of meeting him. Which was always one of my greatest dream.

I din't know how I had become so close to him, even before meeting him or knowing him. All I can say is, he was one among my very good friends. In fact someone special.
Someone close to my heart. Its better when secrets remain as secrets. I don't know why such things always had to happen with me!
I know the faults lies on my side. I am bad. In fact I am the worst. Its me who ruined the precious friendship. But what could I do?
And in reverse God gave me the worst punishment. Losing a friend, when a friend turns to a stranger brings an equal pain, when we lose someone forever.
Now, Everything came to an end...
Sitting with tears & unknown tensions...
Sitting with pain..
A pain of losing a friend, the worst pain ever...! :'(

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