So I am here in the class P-13, in my college building, in Mumbai. It's the month of July and it's raining outside. And I am looking at it, and my ears can hear the sound of rain and the Teacher teaching Software development, everything simultaneously. And suddenly what I am hearing and what I'm seeing through the window and whatever is happening starts making no sense at all. I am sorry if all this sounds ridiculous but it's just what my mind often says to me and I'm not able to say this to anybody. So, I need this one person to say all this pathetic and true things that my mind says to me.
I may even have got that person. When I see new friendship developing, it all seems alright. I have someone to whom I can express myself as openly as my mind expresses to me. This friendship is now new, we know very less about each other, so there's a lot to talk about, there's a lot to tell, there's a lot to listen and a lot to laugh about together. It's new, hence it's good. Everything seems so exciting for we know we have someone to tell whatever amazing things are happening around us.
Now I know that we have talked with each other so much that we know almost everything about each other. Again the excitement about it which I had felt when it had started, drains out. It's really sad how two people can come together and do amazing things, talk and share different things, also make each other feel special and also unknowingly inspire each other but with the tide of time all the magic just disappears and we can't even see when it had all started and why is it gone! One of us or both of us get busy chasing our dreams as we grow up. This dreams of ours, makes both of us busy and leaves no time to even talk to each other. And sometime when one of us feels lonely, we miss each other and think why did the magic end?
When I go for a workout in the gym and have to break sweat on that treadmill, I hit this awesome song on my playlist. The notes of the song and my speed sort of go hand in hand. The song starts slow with mild beats and so do I, start slowly with a low energy. Ahead the song gets more intense, and a bit faster and likewise I get determined to go on. Then, the rhythm of my legs hitting the belt of treadmill and the increasing beats of song find a connection. As the song gets near its end, it plays this heavy beats full of inspiration and the feeling of freedom and triumph. And even though after 2 kilometers of running my legs are extremely tired and starting to give up.But that song, the heavy beats acts like fuel and finally gets me to achieve the target of 3 kilometers. I think our life is also like this workout. We need a person to keep us going, inspiring us, in this world of cynicism just like that song which kept me going. This person will definitely come and also someday, definitely go. But then, don't get upset and give up on your goals. There are going to be many such songs in the playlist to keep us inspired.

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