Why its like that you always need someone by your side? Someone who can listen to your talks, someone with whom you can share and in return you want that someone to keep things up to himself only.
Now when you try to reach out for the answer it seems pretty easy that human heart is so weak that it cannot hold things up to itself for a longer time. This is an obvious answer but If you ask me to answer I'll prefer to answer this question in a different manner. I think that someone is not needed until you are SAD or until your mind says you are SAD. Now that's the point you start searching for that someone but that's too late till then. When we are happy we generally don't allow many people in our life, but when those same people becomes the reason for the sadness, the hunt begins and eventually we fail most of the times. Only a few lucky ones get that Someone in their life. To be specific if we cant allow that someone during our happy moments we should not seek for that figure during sad moments also. And for a better option stop searching for that figure better keep things up to yourself-I'll help you alot. Because people only act as if they try to understand you, but in actual no one cares about you.

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