Today something memorable happened. It was raining cats and dogs. No obviously there is nothing memorable about rain. The memorable thing comes much later.
First we need to go for a flashback. It was 2006; I was six years old then. Meera was my best friend. Our parents had transferrable jobs. Meera and I used to spend a lot of time together. One day her parents got transferred to Shimla and mine to Patna. We lost all our contacts but only memories remained, some sweet some bitter. I tried to connect to her through Facebook but she didn’t have an account. I had lost all my hope.
Today as I told it was raining cats and dogs. How could I have missed the rain? I had gone to the garden to dance and I saw a girl doing the same. Later I realised that the girl was actually Meera.
I was surprised as I never thought that we could meet ever in such a large country. Now Meera and I am happy and convinced that if ever we get transferred a miracle would again make us meet.

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