Location: on the Bus stop
Destination: Going to school

I stood still, watching my sister right on the eyes. My ears were not ready to believe the bitter truth. Then I whispered to her:

"Do you know what the F**k did you just say?"
My eyes were begging her to tell me she just joked but truth is truth.

"I am speaking the truth Mukhtaar, she loves him and her parents consented for their marriage as soon as she become adult, I know this hurts bro, but you got to believe me. Forget about her and get over it", she said.

I remained quiet. I was heartbroken even before I said 'I love You' to her. I wanted my sister to tell me that she just played a dirty prank but the look on her face said otherwise.

I watched the girl I love so much. She was chatting with her friends. As always she looked cute in her school uniform. I was on the verge to cry, something which I rarely do. My sister put her hand on my shoulder and said that everything will be fine.

But I doubted it. The guy she loves is a friend of mine. He is 23 years old, She is nearly 17 and I am only 15. My chances were 0%. I was to lose my first love... :'(

Hope U guys can imagine what an emotional wreck I am right now.

Tags: Tragedy

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