That feeling I get when I worked hard to achieve something. I just love it; that achievement type of feeling. The feeling of triumph, of success, of long-awaited victory.

That is the feeling I got when I wrote my first post after lots of thinking. That is the feeling I get when I usually finished a session of gym, when I finish my homework late at night, when the bell rings to signal the end of another painful and boring school day. That is the feeling I get when I jump on my bed at night, happy to finally reunited with my beloved bed after a whole day of separation..

But guys, Do you know when I am going to enjoy this feeling the most. The day when the thing called school finally ends, I will shed tears of joy and hug my close friends. Because That day, I will finally be a 'free bird'..

Can't wait for school to end.. But that is more than 3 years to go.. I still have to just carry on with the boring routine.. :(

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