"hey, can you accompany me to the office please??", I asked my friend Yaj.
"What happened??"
"I'm having stomach ache", I replied..
"let's go then", he said.

After completing the formalities in the office(questions and all), Finally mom was called and was asked to come and fetch me since I was reported sick..

I went into my class,and pack my things. It was lunch break and almost every classmate asked where the hell was I going. When I said I was going home, "Dude, you got damn lucky", they replied in disbelief..
I couldn't help grinning like an idiot, despite the pain in my stomach.

I went into the office and took a seat, just like I was instructed, and waited for mom to come.. I began planning how to use up my time when I get back home..

"first I will take a hot cup of coffee..that always work against my stomach pains.. then I will go to gym for a hard workout and then....", I kept thinking and thinking..

When it seems like half an hour had elapsed, I began wondering if mom would come or not, maybe she would send someone, or it could be that she was having transport problems.. Finally, when I looked out of the window, I caught a glimpse of a familiar face.. But it was not mom...

Instead, it was a man, well-built, with stern expression on his face and dressed smartly in his shirt and trousers; DAD!!!!

"Oh shit!! What the..??", I murmured, watch in disappointment, as he entered the office. I knew that my plans were ruined and all I had left to do now in to sit patiently in the waiting room of the hospital..

Tags: Short Story

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