I read in the papers yesterday that the government in M.P is going to punish eve teasers by withholding their ration cards,passports etc.Can't say if this is going to work.
It brought to my memory that awful boy who studied with me in class 9.

I,an avid follower of cricket then,didn't know that it would land me in hot water one day.For I wrote about the recently played match as my class essay.
My England returned,heavily accented,cotton sari wearing teacher with the rosiest cheeks in town,complimented me by reading it aloud in class.

As she read, she mentioned the name of a player,it beats me,I can't remember the name..suddenly the boys at the back started calling out this guy's name.Let's call him K.
A monkey faced,dark looking chap.
He began grinning from ear to ear.I couldn't understand what was so funny in my essay.

From that day the teasing began.Whenever he was around and I nearby,his name was called on purpose.
I,known as a nerd,began burying my head more into my books from then on.
It was traumatic.

I didn't share this with anyone at home.My busy parents wouldn't understand anyway.It went on for one year, not sparing me even when they approached my house.He lived in our colony too.Thankfully,he was put into another class in the tenth with the rest of the rascals.
As if in answer to my prayers.

Soon I went to college in the city.One day observing he was on the college bus,I ran to grab a seat up in front, away from where he sat.That was the last I saw of him.
I breathed easy now.Found new friends, a job and finally got married.

I had forgotten about him totally till one day,28 years later,he walked into our first class reunion.They all cheered him.
Gosh,all over again! I thought.Strangely no one seemed to remember.

All were busy chatting like old schoolboys and girls again.
They couldn't for the life of them understand how I the class topper,chose to do nothing in my life except have babies and sit at home.
I smiled.I knew they would never understand.It's the most satisfying career choice for a woman.

Lunch was announced and as I walked up to the table,K stood there serving the buffet.
As I held my plate,I looked at him,something I was so scared to do as a teenager.He smiled.I smiled too.
We never spoke.
I'm sure he gave me an extra portion.

I realized I wasn't terrified of him again.
Time had healed my wounds.Somewhere along the way,I'd subconsciously forgiven him.

As for him, I'm sure he feels really bad and if I ever approach him with a problem,now he could solve it too.
For now he is a police inspector.

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