Hi. Just felt like apologising for calling you all kanjoos.
You all changed overnight. Now the minimum poll is seven to ten and not two as before.
Maybe inflation.
A year back two. Now seven.
But out of forty three page visits still seven is misery.
But theek hai.
Some days I get ten. Wow. Sometimes when I mention babu in my title it jumps to twenty.
So I got it.
To get maximum polls just mention either 'writer' or'babu' in the title.
You will get instant fame.
You will be swarmed by hordes of writer bees. Leaving you with red marks all over.

Anyways thanks for visiting. For leaving a generous tip. Never mind the infamous hmmm too.
Do visit again.
Till then...
This is .....signing off..
At least today's madness is over!/

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