Just for being there, by our sick bedside
gently stroking though wordlessly
so caught up in your own problems were you
yet found time to tend to us endlessly.

For being a tall mountain, beating every storm and tide
you still found time to serve, entertain and visit
when for yourself you had few moments
to sit up, to rest your aching feet.

Few opportunities you had as a young girl
to showcase your real, untapped talent
but now you see them in your babes
and smile satisfied, saying 'tis to us lent

You were emptied, to make us full
you worked hard from dawn to dusk
that we could stay at home
we are full, Ma, when all you had was husk.

Thank you for not giving up through it all
thank you for becoming less, that we might be more
you unloved, yet we so very loved
thank you, Ma, for being at the fore!

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