whenever i think of writing something my brain runs out of ideas...my hand goes numb ... the pens falls from my hand and all i think of is what to write???
then comes a post on WB ...it is short...to the point..bringing out real meaning and it leaves me dumbstruck .
and i find myself gazing at the post ... smiling ...and confused at the same time...asking that lady " how can u write so beautifully ?"
i write a comment on the post " i don't know if people even read my posts or not :P"...an i get the answer just in a few minutes ...she replies "i must tell u ...don't look at the polls or the comments ...just keep writing :)"
and i don't know what kind of energy flows into my nerves ... how my brain and hand get their senses ... and i say to myself " now that is someone called a writer" :)
thank u so much mam... i hope u understood that it is for u :) :)

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