A year and more into Writer babu
am now a much changed beau
writing bolder and stronger
caring two hoots for that mischief monger
I saw lots of improvement
by all means heaven sent
a click, lo! on mobile
I write, laughing all the while
I got friends like David
who acts like funny kid
then others like Nishant
a combination of Poet plus Sant
Vodka keeps me in awe
fluidly writing of plain love
Shambhavee first, then Neha I send
a request on FB to befriend
lots of newcomers nowadays I see
Kenneth, Devendra, even a Doctor without fee
they write great, so many views
lets poll 'em, and not throw shoes
a year passed unblinking
Wb's been an antiseptic quite soothing
thanks Wb for 2013 so great
I wrote, I read..sometimes ignoring my mate!

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