Every individual through out their life strive to be successful and they put in so many efforts, running trying be number 1.. But in all of this people forget that whatever we get in our life what ever we have is all given to us by God. Why we forget all of this and just try to achieve more and more? Why not sit there and thank God for all his blessings. Have faith in God whatever he takes away from us in return he gives it more to us. We never expect things which happen to us and when they do we think Ohhh it's all because of our efforts, forgetting that NO it's because of God's never ending blessings upon us.. Why not every day we take out time to thank God for his countless blessings rather complaint what we don't have.. People look around your self, see those people who are less fortunate then you but still never complain to God. Always have a faith and be happy with what you have aiming for success is not and but getting blind after success is bad. Care for others and a person who cares for others never fails. And always remember a person whose close and dear to God, he will test him by giving him some hardships but then solving it as well.

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