Oh yes, YOU guessed it right...
The title is composite of names of two Popular games of Android platform.
But, I feel, I should clarify that it is not a Review of any of these..
I'm new to the android platform, and was introduced to these games just a few days back.. this article deals with an unusual thought which came to me while playing these games..
I'm running, So are my friends and the same is done by You...
Running and collecting...
Running away from a person who is chasing us..
Running towards unknown...
The aim is to Run... Run for???
Oh well the question is left unanswered...
We collect to expend it on those stuffs which help us to run better... again the same question comes to me... Run for??
Don't you feel the above lines go true for LIFE as well...
you, me and all are running just for the fact that we need to and we have no exit gate...
no Aim, i know you gonna argue u have a Aimbition in life.. but just try to think Isn't ur aimbition just to bluff yourself and to maintain a Status in Society... which again will just help you to Run your life smootly...
just leave your thoughts for me to rethink on this topic again

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