Everything seems so negative as if all the doors of blessings have been shut down to me!
No money;
No support;
No friend;
No love;
No care;
No courage;
No happiness;
No satisfaction;
No opportunity;
No chance;
No job;
Confidence lost;
Smiles faded;
Commitments broken;
Character hurt;
Courage done;
Passion buried;

This is nothing more than a looser!!!
Will the optimists still suggest to smile?
To forget as if never happened!
And to look at the side that does not exist?
To assume your pockets full of money when you are counting the pennies?
To assume you are happy when you are burning inside?
To laugh when you cannot even cry!!!
To hell with “Everything happens on purpose!”
Because it is not what gonna bring me love, a friend and money!
It is just a false belief or I will rather say a fantasy movie in which the poor orphan becomes the princess without any effort just on the basis of her good looks!
She waits in silence for the fairy or the prince charming to have pity on her or to fall in love with her!
Hahaha… people call it patience! If it is patience than what is that “putting one’s honour at stake”!? Huh?

And here the optimists say to be patient! Haha…
Patient is of no use until or unless you come out of the paralyzed state!

Moreover, “To succeed, look at the things as they can be, not as they are!”
Hahaha…. This is just an ostrich like approach_ closing your eyes to what is happening and going in to a deep sleep where you can dream of whatever you want!!!
No! it is not this way! To succeed, you have to accept the reality! If you don’t look at the things as they are then how can you ever gonna feel the need to bring the change!
For you cannot change what already happened. A minute passed is past! And noone has the power to change the past!
What you need is to say is “Yes” to the things! If I am running short of money then I will certainly not live in the false paradise by assuming that If I do this or that the money will come in!

But, yet I am not satisfied with my explanation of negating the quotation!
You might be thinking that If we not think of the possibilities then how we can ever ameliorate the situation!

Yes! You have to look at the things as they can be!
But don’t TAKE the things as they are! Because it certainly means that you are laying down arms to the situation! You have no courage or simply you are dull enough not to think of any other possibility!!!

In short!
If you practise looking at the positive side of the facts, Pessimism can never beat you!
This is what happened to me just now! I stuck while arguing against the positive quote!
And if I kept on lamenting upon the losses then I would never have gathered the courage to push myself into some work!
Our actions does reflect our thinking, but only Thinking Positive is not enough! You have to actually move out to walk on that path!
So, alienate your way of inferring towards the positive approach!
You rule your mind! Never feel that any cloud can block the sun shine to your thoughts forever! Our accomplishments are a reflection of our thoughts!!!
Never give up! You exhaust only when you believe so!
You improve when you give TIME to yourself, not PRIORITY!

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