Summer sneaks in unwelcome every year with it's terrible terrifying heat. The heated up ovenlike interiors, super heated up exteriors, setting up many terrible tempers flaring.

Summer eyes the ground with flaming, deep eyes..scorching up the ground like fire. Trees wilt, flowers die and the once green grass lies buried deep underground.
Animals cool their heels like prisoners behind bars, lapping up whatever little water they can find or some kind soul provides.

Labourers dig deep ditches, sweating litres of water each day. No one cares to stop and gaze down their sun burnt bodies. They slog and slog with no respite just for a measly sum. All day under the relentless sun.

Summers are long, dry and heavily boring. Not one woman in her senses would dare step out into the open. She'd get scarred for life!
Hyper kids get into all sorts of mischief. Then they are packed off to their relatives.

But it's the season of mangoes. Delicious, lip smacking, lusciously yellowish golden slices oozing with elixir of life could tempt the strictest dieter.
It's the season of ice creams. Litchi, strawberrys sumptiously pureed into the ice and cream. Can we hear screams for more?

Summer, I can somehow endure. For one more reason. For it brings the best out of this gulmohur tree outside. The more summer lunges at it and scorches it, the more do the flowers glisten and flame the beholder's eyes in its livid color. Undying spirit indeed! Bright red flowers nestling among still green leaves. The contrast so powerful, breathtaking, utterly captivating.

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