Delete hummm.

Put up a notice..when anyone wants to join wb..
"Read fine print at own risk.."
Reading posts on my mobile is getting strenuous.

Tired babus must be made to go on an occasional break.
Good for their nerves.
Will increase their demand in the circle.

Writers going on break must NOT in any way lose their reputation points. After coming back from vacation..the poor chap or chappie discovers that now he's way below the list. That's the reason he hesitates to go on vacation.

Old folk are missing on wb.
Only one is seen all the time. Hint..a lady.
Invite them over to this site..believe me..they hold a wealth of information in their grey heads.

Love stories and break up sob poems must be kept to a limit.
How much can poor readers take?
When a sob story crosses the limit..the writer must be refrained from writing. The words should not appear. A sign should appear.."enough..write something else, man!"

When infuriated.. discontented writers are leaving..don't let them.
Ask them why?

A read beacon should flash in the admin room..when writers are about to leave.

A 'super' must be added before 'speechless'.
Let me explain.
Nice, hats off, super, speechless
Because some posts are sooooo good they go beyond speechless!

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