Established individuals, stand-tall institutions, undeclared prophecies, never wavering placid thoughts!! Well every single adjectives here make us learn the ardent thought-runs that some people have, in fact winners have! Behind every single success and every single news about a stalwart that we have seen, there's that baritone voice within themselves that have made them reach the destination! To be successful is certainly an easy task, only if we believe the profound outrageous failures that hold us in the run are temporary. There have been millions of people who have tried and lost the fight, and have given up! Never to generalize, the people who are so varied impassioned about the stuff they often believe in, win throughout the game!!
It is reluctantly believed that success comes only to those who are worthy! Well if anyone had to be worthy of it, why would he been brought to earth?! He is already successful being 'labelled' worthy! Success is certainly not like money, to be worthy of owning it! Its an attribute that you have as a tag alongside the name! Well I believe everyone is successful in this world, for the matter of fact that we have lived up to this age facing all assignments, insecurities, fine-tuned emotions and what not?!! The bottom-line stays clear, you are never successful until you think you are! Success isn't only meant when we top a score, get into a better college, work hard, get a degree, draw a neat salary! There is success when you save your money and go enjoy the ice cream with your partner, even when you complete the write-ups before your ultimate time, or even when Facebook gives you a shock with 100 notifications!! Failure traps you into the emotion-stream, makes you look at the profound intricacies that may pop-up anytime in the future life, it gives a lesson, perpetuating unseen malignant instances! Failure does make a man strong to adhere to the prejudice of the success being so difficult(which never is)! So its not a grieving situation to be addressed sorrowfully, but a parapet to be broken on the way, joyously! Failure attempts to throw contempt the onward pathway, just greet it with a smile, make it go berserk!! Success is a story with tears and a great ending! While failures stay without a ending! And the job left to mend ways of failures, just maneuver the thought flow to present a marvelous ending!!

Tags: A put-up!

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