He was feeling anxious. The blood seemed cold inside him, hairs on his hand stood up as he watched the old isolated building. He was in the mountain. The pitch was dark. He could not make out where he was. The sound of the air was so deadly, like those of the 80’s horror movies. The building had three floors. It was painted red and had some weird architecture on it. Deep there laid many secrets. He wanted to unlock that secret. I’m going to do it, today, he thought.
He wore a jacket that did little to warm him. The cold was horrendous. The moon was so bright and clear. He felt as if it was smiling wickedly on him. The stars gleamed greatly. He slowly went inside the big old building. The door and windows were half broken. The door made a loud sound when he tried opening it. There he was in there and same old darkness followed. He switched on the light. The light was faint and did less to show the path. He found himself near a snake stair case. He figured out that the staircase was made up of oak tree. An ominous feeling ran inside him. He felt sick and he wanted to return. He was not ready to face the truth. Am I ready?
He rubbed his hand and made his way towards the staircase. He followed a narrow passage. He saw a basement. He followed it and found himself surrounded in a dark room again. He tried to search for switch, but found none. He felt as if his breathing had stopped. The darkness engulfed him. He fell down and dirt patted his face. Suddenly the light came and it was glowing and very bright.
He found out that the place was noxious. There was a midst of dust all over. It was a big square room. The earth started to shake slowly. What is happening, he thought. Maybe it was an earthquake. He did not want to die. Not without knowing the secret.
He discarded the thought. He wanted to concentrate on for what he had come. And there it was at the left side of the wall, there it was. A grey coloured locker. He stared at the locker for a long time. The locker was quiet narrow, of minimum height and length and breadth of standard measurements. It had a kaleidoscopic design crafted on it. It looked rock hard. It was equipped with a lock, and to access the locker one needed to have the key, which he did not have. The locker had a little space for ventilation and it had a metal plate welded on it. The key was missing and there was a growing curiosity in him to witness, what lay inside the locked? It was the dark secret.
He slowly moved towards the locker. He could hear his own breathing. The earth was still shaking. He touched the locker slowly, he wanted to feel it and he felt it. A sudden anger evokes inside him and suddenly he wanted to destroy the locker for what it had done to him. He removed the hammer from the safety box that he had brought. He was going to be all well; he was going to find the secrets. He raised the hammer to break the locker when he heard a voice behind him.

He remembered that soft voice and the pretty face. Those long curvy hairs and that dusky skin as delicate as a flower, her thin rosy lips, and her hazel eyes had a sparkle. She was white from top to bottom.
“Veronica, what the hell are you doing here?” he asked as he put the hammer down.
She smiled.”I am here for you”.
He saw something divine in her which he never noticed. He said, “You should not have come here, it is not a good place.” He looked worried.
“Why are you here?” she asked.”The place is so dark”.
“I don’t know, maybe...” he paused. “Maybe I am here to get my life back, I want my life back”, he pointed towards the locker.
“That is not your life,” she said. “You are living in the world of illusions.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that this is not your life, it’s a dream not reality.”
“Dream,” he looked confused.
“Yes it is a dream. Your life is with you and I am with you,” she said and held his hands and rubbed it gently.
“I am lost, I don’t have track of my life.” His voice was low.
He looked into her eyes. Her eyes explained the deep concern towards him. Her eyes were moist.
“Please help me,” he said.
“I will,” she said and kissed his forehead.
The earth started to shake violently .They looked at each other and wondered what was happening to them. He started to hear some strange voices, it was evil he thought, it was somewhere near and he wanted to find it. No, he wanted to run away from it. He found out that those strange voices where coming from the locker.
“Come, get me,” it said.
He closed his ears. He could not tolerate those weird voices. The sound was loud. Come....Come......Come.....Come. He fell down. The bricks started to fall, and then the locker disappeared. The dust covered like a snow. He could not make out where Veronica was.
“Veronica, where are you?” he shouted.
She was nowhere.
He saw her then. She was lying there like dead in the corner. Blood was oozing out from her body. He yelled loudly. Slowly the body withered away. It evaporated. She disappeared and only ashes remained.

Tags: Short Story

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