Unfortunately, the term ''child abuse'' has become so familiar it is almost mundane. We read about it, see television programs that address it and have heard of famous people whose parents abused them. But child abuse is more than a passing issue to be bantered about by talk show hosts. It is so pervasive and so insidious that it needs more attention and action.

Child abuse isn't just a mild spanking -- or a switch to a child's rear end to discipline him. Child abuse involves incredible things that one human being does to another -- beatings, scaldings, horrible batterings, rape.

Government should organize treatment programs,Thus, treating these children is not only the morally correct thing to do, but also the fiscally smart thing to do because over time treating abused children will reduce the number of others who will be abused and the number of criminals in our prisons.

Child porn in the internet is major issue and it should also be stopped too,we must never forget that behind every one of these images and videos is a real little boy or girl who has been abused. The term “child porn” obscures this reality and should be deleted from our vocabulary. Calling the abuse of children “porn” aligns it as just another form of human sexual taste. Let’s call this material “child abuse images” and have no more shades of grey about it.

Every effort must be made to keep children safe from abuse, to teach them about it, as well as identifying sex offenders as soon as possible and get them treatment to prevent them posing a danger to children.

As sex offenders get ever more technologically advanced we must keep one step ahead.

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