We are always so fascinated by them. Blondes and fair skinned ones. (Actually they look pinkish on a closer look). They are so tall, slim and good looking. Even the police officers are better looking than our best known models.

Streets are clean. Not populated. Apples and berries in plenty. Women dress so beautifully. All of them so slim. Young folk so intelligent, independent.

Indians! It's time to pull off your blinkers.
All's not so rosy as you see. The grass is greener on the other side. Definitely.

Once so heavily materialistic, now they realize the need for austerity as they reap the fruits of their own greedy endeavors.
Jobless and uneducated young people are aplenty. Many are heavy, plumpish folk...not the slim variety we adore on English serials.

Once founded on spiritual principles, now moral decay's set in. God's word is forbidden in school's and establishments. Anything related to His name is mocked at.

It's a perpetual free-for-all nation.
There's no immoral act they haven't indulged in yet. Unwed teenage moms, promiscuous girls, pornography, drugs are so glorified.
And then freely exported to third world nations. And we like sitting ducks have lapped up all they have to offer.

Hypocrisy abounds. They say one thing and so something else. They consider their own little vicinity their world. India's a place teeming with beggars and snakes, they're taught.
And we go over the top ga-ga over them..their looks..their stuff.
Actually they are breaking at the seams. Morally, spiritually and materially. They're just holding on bravely to the last remnants.

Many of them are now advocating old fashioned methods of cooking, prohibiting overuse of microwave, mobiles, cooking in aluminium vessels which cause alzheimers.
They are turning to herbal medicine, simplified food patterns. Junk food's going out of fashion.

In a few years' time, they'll get Indianised...and we.. we're still worshiping them!
We're still heavily into junk food..McDonald and KFC's cash counters are brimming over.. their clothes... torn jeans, tights, hot pants, minis and micros..we adopt with no shame..while many of them have switched to churidars and Kurtis as acceptable clothes in public.

Wake up! Get back to your roots, fellow Indians.
Be simple and holistic in your approach to life again. Eat herbs. Use them. Grow them.
Get closer to Him, smile, relax, be happy again.
Throw stress out of the window.

Don't accept everything they hand down to us as Godsend.
Investigate, probe well...
Stop aping the west.

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