All of north India believes the south is shaped like a giant round idli,on our map.
For they think all south Indians eat idlis all the time.For lunch,dinner,breakfast.
Also that all south Indians are Madrasis.

Hello,we don't.Our culinary skills are very many..I mean us southies..having travelled all over.Surely making parathas or palak paneer is as easy as turning up delectable delights like appams,payasams and so on.

Hindi movies stereotype us as some fella with towel over his shoulder asking you,'Yes,saar' as he takes down your orders in a- er-madrasi udipi restaurant.

Well,having watched some malayalam movies of late,I guess they have picked up a few tips from their northern counterparts too.For they do have a villain from the north who speaks only hindi and malayalam subtitles are then given underneath.

So you see,the southie thinks the north is full of brash,aggressive rogues doing bhangra at the drop of a hat,eating parathas at every roadside dhaba.

While the fair-skinned friend looks down his nose at him with disdain,saying 'you'll never learn to speak proper hindi',yaar'.

By the way not all southies are dark.Remember Prithviraj?
Some of the women there are so fair,can't really beat them at a beauty contest.About their fetish for gold,don't ask.
Brides literally look like a golden delight for their partners as they walk down the aisle,decorated head to toe in gold.

This north-south divide is so intense that the only solution remaining is to marry off each Northie to a corresponding Southie.

Also increase open mindedness by making it mandatory for each person from these respective places to visit the other,learn their culture etc.

At least that should bridge the great north-south divide and break this awful stereotype.

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