Men are ardent starers
They stare and stare
nearly all of their lives
they never give up
for if they do
then they'll be as good as dead

From infant hood
they begin this crazy game
So the lil cute baby boy stares at the wall
then at the ceiling fan
finally at pretty momma
again at the wall
so it goes on and on

A teenager, his attention still on the wall
but now the pinup posters
then comes this crush
he stares and stares at her
paying scant attention to the lecture
girl definitely distracted
..a resounding slap
from the angry teacher
has him now staring blankly at her

He gazes purposefully at every female form passing by
as he lies, lazy legs sprawled onto the park bench
whistling sometimes at the prettiest one
her brother vaporizes from thin air
sends him flying into the grass
that should teach him a much needed lesson
while he open mouthed still stares

Much married now, at least some sense expected
but still at it like an old pro
for now he stares at sis-in-law
she's actually flirting n not speaking
so he thinks, when she laughs and jokes with him

Middle aged, pot bellied
balded almost completely
yet he thinks he's so young
for he lets out a whistle
when she, this sweet, young thing passes by
wifey gnarls, she snarls, warns of
roller pin at home

he had it real bad that day
as he lay on the smelly door mat outside
his neighbor, a lovely, surprised lass opens her door
and he stares and stares at her
still so completely nonplussed.

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